Kiss Day Reflections

Happy Kiss Day,

Wait, what, Today is kiss day, Now what should I share about it which is biblical? Ok so, let's understand it with a story....

First of all what Is Kiss? Kiss is a touch or caress with the lips as a sign of love. So, Kiss is a sign of love. World sees this word in a very bad manner. Today I'll tell you the positive part about it.

Let's understand it with a story:-

There lived a man in a country. He was very rich and had lots of property. That man had two sons and both sons lived a very wealthy life. One day the younger son came to his father and told him to give him his part of the property. Now this man gave his younger son his part of the property. The son flew away abroad with all the money. 

And there he overspent all the money. Now the time came when no single money was left with him. He started doing labor to earn money for food. At that time he remembered his father's house and he thought " I have done so wrong with my father, yet will he accept me!"  When that son went back to his father, to his surprise, his father was waiting for him. When that man saw his son coming from far, he ran towards his son and gave him lots of kisses. And gave him back his right.  

Moral of the story:

"Many times in this life we get lost in the world and forget God our Almighty Father and get away from Him. But when we realize that we have selected the wrong path and if we turn ourselves towards Him then He is ready to accept us. He is always waiting for us to turn towards Him and He'll give our rights back"

Today again Jesus Christ is calling us towards Him. It is His strong desire that we get conscious of our sins and turn toward Him.

Will you accept Him?

-Kerinth Desai

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