Happy Promise day

So friends, basically today is promise day. The history of promise day tells us that couples give each other promises of living together, they promise to be with each other in hard times along with that they take resolutions to improve and sustain their relationship. 

As I told yesterday, nothing is permanent in this world. Yes, even the promises and resolutions aren't permanent. Many a times in toxic relationship, people leave each other during hard times, forgetting the promises they made.

But today again I want to tell you about a man, He is none other than our Lord Jesus Christ who has our back in each and every circumstances. He takes us out of every troubles, He strengthens us in our weakness, He is the one who loves us unconditionally and that's why He gives a lot of promises to us and He fulfills them all.

"Friends, our Lord Jesus Christ gave away His life just for the forgiveness of our sins and to re-establish our relationship with God. He also promises us the eternal life in heaven which is the biggest, most beautiful and eternal promise ever."

Bible tells us that,

And this is what Christ himself promised to give us — eternal life.1 John 2:25 

Who gets an Eternal Life? 

Bible tells us that,Everyone who believes in Jesus may not die but have eternal life.

John 3:16 

Jesus Christ has done everything to love us, now it's our turn. What will we do?

Will we accept this promise and promise to surrender our lives to him?.

-Kerinth Desai

Touch to get your promise


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